4th grade graduation is this Friday at 9:30 a.m.! The graduation ceremony will be in the gym followed by the parade of graduates through the halls and returning to the gym for a reception. We will have refreshments and drinks for graduates, families, teachers and staff. We hope you can join us!”
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- Unfortunately, our District Fourth Grade Track meet is cancelled for tomorrow due to weather. Classes will do some fun activities in the classroom tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- For tonight's event, we will use the gym and cafeteria doors. Please do not park in the Auto Zone parking lot. Parking is allowed at Central Parking Deck. Doors open at 5:30.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Soc Hop and Ice Cream Social- Tonight from 5:30-7:30. Thank you for those who have donated supplies- we only need candy toppings and whipped cream if you are able to donate. Can't wait to celebrate !
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- Exciting News! F.P.S. Summer Learning Bags are coming home today. Please check your child's backpack. Here is more information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GmX_w1D6HQ85KtPKS4IRDFFk4Yunl6HAB-TnoQs3-0U/edit
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- Please send your donation tomorrow for the Soc Hop and Ice Cream Social. See the flyer for details: https://5il.co/1a4rw
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Donations needed for Washington Elementary Soc Hop! Donations can be delivered to school office. See flyer for details: https://5il.co/1a4rw
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- Please drop in as we celebrate and honor Ms. McLarty and her dedication to education. She will finish her 22 year at Washington. Reception in the library from 3:30-5:30. All families are welcome.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Today is National Speech Language Pathologist Day, a day to recognize our AMAZING pathologists and their role in our student's education! SLPs - Changing the WORLD one WORD at a time! We are grateful for YOU!
almost 2 years ago, FPS Communications Dept
National Speech Language Pathologist Day!
ICE CREAM SOCIAL AND SOC HOP - Our annual End of Year Celebration is Tuesday, May 24th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. It will be held in the Gym and Cafeteria. Music will be by the Extreme Dance Machine. If you want to help with this event: Kindergarten - Candy Toppings, 1st Grade - Whipped Cream or Ice Cream Toppings, 2nd Grade- Bowls, 3rd Grade - Spoons or Napkins, 4th Grade - Bring nothing. It's your celebration! This event is hosted by Washington Staff and sponsored by the PTO and Hiland Dairy.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary School
PTO PLANT GIVEAWAY - Sunday, May 22 from 12 - 5 pm the PTO will be giving away the irises that are planted in front of the school. The reason for this is because the school is getting new windows over the summer and construction will be going on where they are planted. We will separate them and put them in bags. Join us Sunday to transfer some pretty irises to you garden.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary School
4th Grade Washington Family- We are signing up volunteers and donations for our 4th Grade Celebration Reception on Friday, May 27. Please consider donating or volunteering. Thank you! Click the link for details: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080f48a8ac23a0fe3-4thgrade
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- Bus NN will arrive at Washington today at 4:45 to pick up students. Bus NN students will be late coming home. Please call the school office if you have questions- 444-3073. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- Bus NN will arrive at Washington today at 4:30 to pick up students. Bus NN students will be late coming home. Please call the school office if you have questions- 444-3073. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
PTO will be giving away the IRISES that are planted in front of the school on Sunday, May 22nd from 12 - 5 pm. The reason for this is because the school is getting new windows over the summer and construction will be going on where they are planted. We will separate them and put them in bags for you. Join us and add some pretty irises to your guarden. See you there!
about 2 years ago, Washington Elementary School
Washington Wildcats who will be graduating high school this year - COME LET US CELEBRATE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS! We are having a Senior Walk for all Washington Wildcats (any graduating high school student who attended Washington Elementary School is welcome)TOMORROW TUESDAY, MAY 17. We welcome family and friends to join us to cheer them on in the hallway. Check in at the front office at 8:15 am. Wear your cap and gown and come walk the halls once again and let us have the honor of celebrating this milestone in your life. I'm sure some of your favorite elementary teachers are still here and want to congratulate your success with you!
about 2 years ago, Washington Elementary School
Donations needed for Washington Elementary Soc Hop! Donations can be delivered to school office. See flyer for details: https://5il.co/1a4rw
about 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families- make plans to attend tonight's PTO meeting. 6:00 in the library. Childcare provided. Grade level teachers will be present to talk to parents.
about 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families! Volunteers needed for Track and Field Day Thursday, May 26 Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wej2o0YsefcIgtfF4gy0wqbEQAsAeknDFVl6c_ziV7c/edit?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Washington Elementary
Washington Families! Mark your calendar for our end of year tradition and celebration! Soc Hop and Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, May 24 from 5:30-7:30 See flyer for details: https://5il.co/1a4rw Can't wait to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Washington Elementary